In den ersten beiden Maiwochen durfte die IGS LuGa im Rahmen des Erasmus+-Programms vier Schülerinnen und zwei Lehrerinnen von unserer Partnerschule, dem Kunstigümnaasium in Tallinn (Estland), willkommen heißen. Die vier 17-Jährigen nahmen am Unterricht im Jahrgang 12 teil, besuchten aber auch einige andere Klassen, um dort mit einer gelungenen Präsentation unseren Schüler*innen die estnische Kultur und Lebensart näherzubringen. Mit vielen interessanten Informationen, aber auch mit viel Witz und estnischen Zungenbrechern ging es dabei sehr unterhaltsam zu. Dabei bereicherten sie auch zwei Schulstunden des Wahlfachs Intercultural Studies, wo sie sich intensiv mit den Schülerinnen aus dem 9er-Jahrgang austauschten. Wie diese den Besuch unserer Gäste erlebt und was sie im Gespräch erfahren haben, könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
A Memorable Journey: The Estonian Exchange Students’ Stay at Our School
For two unforgettable weeks, our school had the pleasure of hosting four enthusiastic exchange students from Estonia. When these Estonian students arrived, our school’s community experienced a fusion of Baltic culture and traditions. They left a lasting impression by taking part in a variety of classes and interacting with other students.
The Estonian exchange students’ presence sparked interest and excitement throughout IGS LuGa. Teachers as well as students were thrilled to learn about Estonia. Franka, Johanna, Iiris, and Kadi-Liis’s arrival opened a door to Estonian culture and sparked a desire to learn more about their native country. The stories they told about their everyday lives, traditions and national celebrations fascinated our students. The connections that were developed over the period of the two-week visit were quite wonderful. They blended into our school’s community with ease and made friends right away.
Franka, Johanna, Iiris, and Kadi-Liis all expressed their love for the thriving community they experienced during their time at our school. They were overjoyed to learn that our school welcomed and valued diversity, with students from all racial and ethnic origins. They valued the chance to interact with classmates from different countries because it increased their knowledge of various viewpoints. The Estonian exchange students noticed the weather and made observations on the different climates in Estonia and Germany. They enjoyed the chance to adapt and explore new places, and they found it exciting to experience a different climate.
The community of our school will always have a particular place in its hearts for the visit of Franka, Johanna, Iiris, and Kadi-Liis. The vivid culture of the Estonian exchange students opened our eyes, broadened our perspectives, and made a lasting impression. They have our sincere gratitude for being so open with their experiences and for serving as a constant reminder of the positive effects of cross-cultural interaction.
Written by Sally-Marie Scozzi (9b)